13 Reasons Why Campaign Proposal

The Netflix show 13 Reasons Why (13RW) was controversial. I will present how Netflix approached the release of the show and my alternative proposal of what the company could have done before, during, and after its premiere.  Netflix positioned the show on social media platforms. On Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter, producers post images and quotes from 13RW. On Instagram, the content includes…

Why do we study PR history?

“The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it.” Joseph Goebbels Communication is powerful enough to persuade people to purchase a product/service, to act a certain way or to believe in ideas. Goebbels…

Being a part of change

Jeff Morosoff, professor and director of the PR graduate program at Hofstra University blogs about multiple topics like PR Practices and current news. Check out PR Nation on Sundays for a short and interesting reading. Thank you Professor Morosoff for having me as a guest blogger at PR Nation. Click on the link to find the article!…

Meet the life behind the camera

Marjorie Pillar is a photographer. From editorial and producing photojournalistic books for Harper Collins like Pizza Man to educator. She takes us back in time by teaching black and white film photography at Hofstra University. Black and white film gives photography its definition; writing with light. Digital photography might have tricked people into believing that…


Monday through Friday she drives high school students; on Saturdays and Sundays, she opens the door of Hofstra’s Entertainment Shuttle.  Her smile invites students to say hi, thank you and goodbye. This is the way she describes it, “If you give respect, you receive respect.” A quality she notices more on college students than on…

Atlas of Beauty

Atlas of Beauty. The Romanian photographer Mihaela Noroc, 31, grew up with an artistic influence, her dad was a painter. She saw life with colors. Passionate about photography but aware of the economical instability she might encounter, she worked in different jobs that allowed her to save money. At age 27 she quitted her job, packed…